Patchwork Denim Shirts, One Year On

Just over a year ago (!!!), I posted a “Real vs Steal” on the patchwork denim shirts but the trend doesn’t seem to have taken off… or has it? While floating around Topshop after work, my eye fell on this shirt up on a model, vaguely reminiscent of “that Celine shirt”. What do you think, has the trend revived/arrived?


Space NK

This morning, when checking the massive amount of marketing e-mails I get every day (*guys, use a separate e-mail when you sign up for newsletters. They will never let you unsubscribe. Ever.), I saw a more interesting one from Space NK about a goody bag that comes with purchase. Free gifts!? Who doesn’t love a free gift?

This is what it looked like:

“Spend £150 online today and receive our complimentary Christmas wish list bag” and you see that big ol’ banner? The one that reads “SOLD OUT”?. That one. Well ta very much Space NK, thanks for letting me know. It’s nice to know that you had an offer, but we missed out. Errr, thanks. Of course I will proceed to shop.

To save this post from being as pointless as that e-mail and rant, heres some other news:

-Debenhams have a load of free gift offers going on here. Also 20% of selected beauty brands, like Elemis, Origins and Estee Lauder. It’s a shame that brands like Chanel and Guerlain aren’t included, so it’s not quite like a trip to Heathrow. At least the Touche Eclat is on offer, there if mass marketing hasn’t already made you cave in and buy it.

-Boots have a 3-for-2 offer going on for a lot of cosmetics like L’Oreal, Max Factor and Maybelline and skincare brands like Soap & Glory.

Cheer up Manon.

Stuart Weitzman 50/50 Boots

Bloomin’ eck I haven’t posted anything in over a month! (*silence*)

Moving on – to the awesome 50/50 boots!

Don’t you agree?




Look again my friend, because those boots are from Next. 50/50s for £50. Not £550.

You can get them here. They’re currently sold out online (sizes do come back in stock though), but you can order them in store.

FYG this is what the real deal looks like:

I’ve ordered mine and need to pick them up soon – we’ll see how they compare to real leather…


p.s/ happy Guy Fawkes Night

Make-Up Trends for Autumn

I’m steadily becoming more interested in the make-up looks seen at omgfashionweek – probably because the closest I’ll ever get to recreating a look from the runway is by imitating the make-up, not by buying the clothes. (Unless Zara happen to make a rip-off.) So while I may not have found the perfect pink coat that I’m after, there some other autumn trends from the make-up department that are easily recreated. These are my favourites:

1. Smudged Red Lips

Were my BF to ever wonder what it’s like to be a girl and wear heels and make-up, I imagine he’d slip on a pair of shoes and try out his favourite lipstick. (Lets assume he can identify brands and knows the name.) After tottering around for a bit, he’d be struck by fear and panic (not least because he should remember that I never EVER share make-up with anyone), kick off those Choos and hurriedly wipe off the lipstick. Unfortunately for him, he is not aware of the incredible staying power of Chanel, and in vain he’d wipe wipe wipe away, leaving him with a smudgy red lip. When time calls for an explanation, he’d have to confess and humbly ask for cleanser – or lie and say he smooched some other girl who tried to eat his face. In either situation, things do not look good for the BF.

Anyway. To re-create this look, apply a deep red or berry coloured lipstick, smudge it a bit on the back of your hand and viola! I recommend using Chanel over other brands because if you smudge it, you are screwed my friend. It’s so difficult to remove and if you try to wipe it away, it just blends into your skin more D: (Yep, I speak from experience. I had to ask for cleanser at a department store cosmetics counter after spending half the day looking like an extra from True Blood.)

Tip: be sure to carry around a small bottle of cleanser and a few cotton buds, in case you get lipstick all over your face.

2. Kapouf! Big Hair


This season is taking bed hair to a whole new level. For fellow curly haired girls, to get this look all you have to do is skip the frizz-ease after washing your hair and sleep with your hair still damp. The poodle hair that you wake up with the next morning and always resented has become the height of fashion. For those with straigh(er) hair, curl your hair as you usually would and set it with hairspray. Brush backwards using a fine tooth comb and voila. Poodle puff hair. I wonder if Cara will be able to popularise this like big eyebrows? (Which remain as popular as ever)

3. Red Make-up

Tip: to amplify the anaemic vibe, skip under eye concealer.

This is what I look like when I try to apply eyeshadow under my eyes to emphasise them (though I use brown). It never turns out well, making me look sick and severely sleep-deprived. Not cool. Pair it with the smudged red lip for an interesting reaction.

4. Wine Red Lipstick


While I won’t be donning a wig or chopping my hair off to get this look, I will definitely be trying out using wine/-red lipsticks for autumn. I absolutely laaaaaaaahhhhve this look. (Really.) What colour would you call it? Cabernet? Shiraz?

So far, I think I’ve spent about two hours in department stores looking for this colour – without any success!! >,<  (Sadlife.) The closest I have is MAC’s “Amorous”, but it doesn’t have that pink tone. So if anyone can tell me what was used for this look (or suggest something similar), PLEASE TELL ME I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER THANK YOU. It didn’t occur to me to photograph the various lipsticks I tried at the time, but I’ll take photos next time and post them up, in case theres anyone as obsessed as I am with finding this shade. (Anyone?)


A/W Trends – Pale Pink + Celine vs Zara

A few weeks back, I read a feature on pink being “the colour” for autumn/winter 2013/2014. A quick google search later brought up shots from the runway of dusty pink clothes in all kinds of cuts and styles.

As much as I like the colour, pale pink is far too sweet and girly for me to wear without adding to my already childlike image (it’s nice to look young, but 15 is pushing it a bit). In fact I don’t think anyone over the age of 20 can pull this colour off without looking like a kid.

I was convinced of that, until I saw this coat in Vogue’s trend report:

Then my thoughts switched to I MUST HAVE IT. THIS COAT IS PERFECTION!! Buut then I noticed it’s made by Celine .. so there went my dream of owning the perfect pink winter coat 😦 I’ve had this bookmarked for weeks as the kind of coat I want to buy this year. (I hope I’m not the only one who does sad things like that.) (Oh – see: Pinterest.)

Fast forward to August, I decided to check out Zara’s website after seeing a post their autumn campaign on Fashionsquad, and looks what I sees…

Hello! Quite similar to the Celine coat, no? It doesn’t look as luxurious (unsurprisingly), but it follows the masculine style, and with some adjustments here and there, I’ll be quite happy with this version (and enough cash left over for a luggage tote).


The link for the coat is here 🙂 I’m waiting for it to come out in shops so I can try it on 🙂


Another pink coat, £125 from Urban Outfitters. I saw this in a magazine and thought it looked cute (photo on the left), but now that I’ve seen it on Urban Outfitters’ website (photo on the right), I think it looks a bit off… :/ The search for a pink coat continues.



Denim Shirts / Olivia Palermo

Denim shirts are one of the many trends that have resurged, but I’m only now warming up to it and thinking of getting a denim shirt for myself. (Yes I’m typically late in catching the Fashion Bahn.)

I found a nice one in H&M, but I decided against buying, thinking denim shirts have had their time and are “out” – or maybe heading in that direction.

But then I saw some pics of Olivia Palermo, which have me reconsidering. (The rationale being that if she wears it, it must be fashionable.)


Olivia Palermo is wearing a shirt from 7 For All Mankind. Since I’m not inclined to spend $150 on a shirt, I found some cheaper shirts from Forever 21 (top right), and from H&M, which is the I was considering to buy.

What do you think? Denim shirts yay or nay? Do you think the trend will last, or will it last about as long as my attention on the clothes, which has now switched to the incredibly cute doggie. And now to the Miss Dior bag ❤



We’re having fantastic sunny weather here in England, and for the first time in weeks (months?) I managed to venture out for walk during lunch. Samples were being handed out outside one particular shop and although I ignored one salesperson, I was stopped by another who handed me a sample of a face cream which I accepted to be on my way. Or not, as it turned out. The salesman suggested I come inside, offering to show me something great for my skin (I’m an obvious target because I have visible blemishes TT.TT). He promised it would only take a few minutes, so I assumed it would be more samples and followed him in. I didn’t even know what this shop called until I saw products displayed on a counter: Orogold.

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My Skincare Routine

Following on from my previous post, here is my skincare routine 🙂 Using these products is how I’m finally able to keep my skin clear from spots a.k.a. alien infestation.

In the morning:

I simply wash my face with water – no cleanser because I don’t think it’s necessary. All  you’re doing is sleeping so the skin isn’t dirty and you don’t want to strip the skin the good stuff. I just use my toner afterwards. I then apply Aromessence Ylang Ylang Oil, followed by Prolagene Gel, Serum Hydrotenseur (for the eyes) and Hydra Floral cream.

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